The "Starting and Operating a Business in ..." (TX, AZ, etc.) ebooks for each of 33 states and D.C. were updated regularly until 2020, when we temporarily ceased updating the content during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we resumed updating all of the federal/national content in May, 2023, and have begun releasing updated state editions for over states since then and hope to have most or all 34 state and D.C. editions updated by the end of 2024. To see when the state edition for a particular state was last updated, see our Kindle page on our website for the dates when the various state ebook editions were last updated.

The state information for 17 states has not been updated since 2013, since Amazon decided the information in those states was "too similar" to the other Kindle ebooks in the "Starting and Operating a Business in ..." series, and violated their "community stndards." They were correct, in that the federal/national information was very similar in each state edition, but they ignored the fact that each state edition covers the laws, taxes and business conditions of that particular state. (Federal laws apply to every state, so we had to be consistent in describing federal laws in each of the state editions!)

However, reasoning with a giant corporation is not possible, so after our appeal of their decision was rejected, we ceased updating those 17 state editions after 2013, when Amazon banned those editions, despite the countless hours of research and writing we had put into creating the 51 unique and different ebook guides for the 50 states and D.C. "Too similar," they said. So now we just publish 33 state editions and a D.C. edition. The "banned" state editions were for the following states: ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, MT, OH, OK, OR, RI, TN, VA, and WI.

The other 34 state editions have each been fully updated in the years 2018 through 2024. The 23 state editions that have been updated most recently, starting in May, 2023, are as follows:

  • Alabama (10/23)
  • Alaska (7/24)
  • Arizona (11/23)
  • Arkansas (4/24)
  • Colorado (12/23)
  • Connecticut (5/24)
  • Florida (4/24)
  • Georgia (5/24)
  • Maine (7/24)
  • Massachusetts (7/24)
  • Michigan (7/24)
  • Nebraska (6/23)
  • Nevada (6/23)
  • New Jersey (7/23)
  • New Mexico (7/23)
  • North Carolina (8/23)
  • Pennsylvania (8/23)
  • South Carolina (9/23)
  • Texas (6/23)
  • Utah (5/23)
  • Washington (10/23)
  • West Virginia (10/23)
  • Wyoming (10/23)

The "STARTING AND OPERATING A BUSINESS IN ... (STATE)" series of books for each of 33 states and the District of Columbia is a gold mine of useful, and authoritative business, tax and legal information for your small or startup business. Created by Michael D. Jenkins, a (now retired) Harvard lawyer/CPA in 1980, this book series published in print versions from 1981 through 2003, and sold over a million copies during that period, in bookstores, Costco, and in direct sales to the U.S. Small Business Administration, which bought thousands of copies each year for use in its small business training seminars. The series was favorably reviewed as one of the "best of the best" small business guidebooks, in cover articles in Forbes and Inc. magazines, and was also nominated for a national ward for Excellence in Legal Writing by the prestigious Order of the Coif legal society.


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