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Author and Publisher, Michael D. Jenkins, Esq.

Product Information for

  Up-To-Date, Authoritative Federal & State Tax and Legal Guidance for Your Small Business



Small Business Advisor is a unique software program that does not fit into any conventional software category. Small Business Advisor is not, in the strict sense of the word, an "AI" program. However, we call it "smart" software or "primitive AI," because it analyzes facts that you provide about your small business that it uses while it creates a highly detailed small business guidebook file on your computer. The software customizes the text throughout the book to focus on the specific fact situation of your business and provide you with the comprehensive tax, legal, and accounting advice that is most relevant for your small business.

Small Business Advisor has a long history, first being published in 1989 by the author's book publisher as an MS-DOS program. The MS-DOS editions of the Small Business Advisor were licensed to and used by every U.S. Small Business Administration office and SCORE chapter in the United States for several years in the late 1990s and early 2000s, until MS-DOS programs became obsolete and publication ceased in 2001. However, in 2005, Jenkins re-released Small Business Advisor as a Windows program and has self-published it since then.

(Small Business Advisor is a Windows program, but if you don't have a Windows computer, you can also order our KINDLE e-books for any of 33 states, or D.C.)


When you install Small Business Advisor, this is what you can expect:

  • The program initially interviews you, asking you to answer 15 to 20 relatively simple questions about your business and asks you to select the state whose law will apply (assuming that is where you will do business).

  • The software then creates a complete book (in HTML format, for viewing with your browser), consisting of 14 chapters and 3 appendices, in all, 17 HTML files, which the software will load and display. These text files will contain comprehensive tax, legal, accounting, and practical advice on a huge range of subjects relative to your small business, with much of the legal and tax information customized to take into account the information you have entered about your organization (number of employees, type of legal entity, estimated gross sales, type of business, etc.).

    See this sample Table of Contents created by the program for a fictional California manufacturer, Acme Dynamite Company (not in any way affiliated with a certain Wiley E. Coyote). It will give you an idea of the wide range of subjects we cover in the 425 to 500 page book (if printed out) that the program will assemble for you.

  • The program also creates, as Appendix A, an extensive and detailed "smart" Small Business Checklist of tax and legal requirements that will apply to your specific business (or that you may be exempted from, depending on the facts you have entered about your business). You can change your interview answers at any time, to do "what-if" scenarios. For example, if you are planning to increase your work force from 7 employees to 12 in the near future, inputting 12 employees in the interview will generate a longer checklist, since a number of state and federal laws will apply to you once you have 10 or more employees. (Nice to know, before you hire too many people!)

    See this sample Small Business Checklist, created by the software for a fictional Idaho retail business. (But NOTE, we no longer support an Idaho laws edition since 2013, so the Idaho information shown in this example is badly out of date and not to be relied upon.)

  • An interactive feature, "The Consultant," will help you to analyze various technical tax issues for your business. To use this feature, you simply select one issue from a list and you then respond to a series of questions to arrive at a conclusion. If you are a professional advisor, this can be a real time saver, when trying to determine if certain tax rules apply to a client, without spending hours doing the research. For example, determining whether a client's corporation will be classified as a "personal service corporation," a "personal holding company," or a "closely held C corporation" under the tax law definitions, for certain tax purposes. Contextual help is provided to help you answer each question correctly, in order to arrive at a correct answer.

  • An "Entrepreneur Self-Test" is also included, based on a written test developed by the U.S. Small Business Administration. In this computerized version, you answer a number of questions about your abilities and proclivities (as honestly as possible), to help you decide if you have what it takes to successfully operate a small business. (The software will then "grade" you.)

  • Various tax and other government forms, most of them fillable .PDF files, are included with the Appendix C file of the book that is created. These are not annual or quarterly tax returns, but are forms that you might only ever have to file once, such as to obtain an Employer I.D. number, elect S corporation status, or report details to the IRS when buying or selling an existing business.


Michael D. Jenkins, J.D., CPA (Retired status), doing business as Ronin Software, has written the software and also does all of the research and writes all of the content. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and has practiced as senior tax counsel with a major San Francisco law firm (the Cooley firm, with nearly 1,000 lawyers worldwide), as a CPA in the Los Angeles offices of the "Big 4" accounting firm of Peat, Marwick & Mitchell (now "KPMG"), and worked as an economics and financial consultant for several years with a national economics consulting firm, Economics Research Associates, in their Los Angeles and D.C. area offices.

He was also the principal author of the widely acclaimed book series, "Starting and Operating a Business in __(state)" (Texas, New York, etc.), for each of the 50 states and D.C., which sold over a million copies in Costco, bookstores, and otherwise in print editions until his publisher inexplicably ceased publication in 1999, just when sales had reached a new peak. For more details about the author and owner of Ronin Software, click HERE.

While most of the state editions in the print series were co-authored by offices of the CPA firm of Ernst & Young, which provided the state information in about 40 states where they had offices, Jenkins later revived the entire series, in more comprehensive (longer!) Kindle e-book versions, in 2011. However, he ceased publishing 17 of the state e-book editions in 2013, and thus no longer updates those states or supports them in the Small Business Advisor. The states whose laws and taxes are no longer being updated are: ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MS, MT, OH, OK, OR, RI, TN, VA, and WI (and those 17 e-book editions are no longer being sold on Amazon).

IMPORTANT NOTE: You probably should not order the Small Business Advisor if you live in one of the 17 states listed above, as the state information for those states has not been updated since 2013 and will not be updated in the software in the forseeable future.


For prices and ordering information, go to our ORDERING PAGE.


Yes. The free ("shareware") version can be downloaded HERE.

If you are a professional adviser to small businesses, see the next section below for an example of how you can use the Small Business Advisor software to effectively advise (and impress!) your clients, particularly new or prospective clients.


Here is how it should go....

A new client comes into your office for a face-to-face interview. After the initial introductions and formalities, you tell the client that you want to conduct a short Q & A as a starting point, to get some basic information about his or her business and you turn to your computer. You start up the Small Business Advisor and, assuming the program is already configured for the state where the client does business, you will just click on File/New Data File, to begin the interview, with the first question being the name of the customer's business.

From there, probably in less than 5 minutes, you go through the series of 15 to 20 interview questions the software will pose, obtaining and entering the responses from the client (such as how many employees, what kind of legal entity is the client's company, etc.).

Once you have completed the brief interview with the client, you simply print out two copies of the Small Business Checklist that the software has just created, which will look like THIS, and hand one copy of the printout to your client. Think they will be impressed? That's what we hear....

If there are some technical tax issues for your client that you may need to resolve quickly, you can also click on the CONSULT button and select one of the listed topics (if applicable to your client), and go through a "consulting session" interview, as well.

As an added bonus, before or after the client leaves your office, click on the File menu and select the "Print FL Book" menu item (if configured for Florida), and the program will instantly combine the 14 chapters and Small Business Checklist into one large book (HTML file), which you can either print out (if you don't mind using almost an entire ream of paper) or you can simply email the large HTML book file, fully customized for your client, to the client.

Practicing as an attorney, CPA, or other business adviser is very competitive, but you can be sure of one thing: None of your competitors will be able to effortlessly create an entire, comprehensive e-book and business tax and legal checklist, fully customized for a client's business, and send it to the client without running up more than a couple of minutes of billable time! (Whether you bill the client for more than a couple of minutes is up to you, of course....)


With regard to each of our software programs and e-books, please note the following:

"This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought." -- from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a committee of the American Bar Association and a committee of publishers.


We also offer Kindle e-books through, with editions for 33 states and the District of Columbia, for $9.99 each. To order or to see when the edition for your state was last published, go to our KINDLE ordering page, or click on one of the cover images below to order a 2024 edition for Arizona, Florida, Georgia, or Massachusetts.


Copyright © 2024 Michael D. Jenkins, Esq. and Ronin Software
Last modified: September, 2024